
Importing Dogs to Singapore: Everything You Need To Know Before Relocating Your Pets

Tips for a Seamless Pet Relocation to Singapore

So, you’ve decided to make the big move to Singapore. Congratulations! This beautiful island nation has a lot to offer, from its vibrant food and culture scene to its endless opportunities for exploration. 

But as anyone who has ever moved with pets knows, relocating them can be tasking. How will they handle the long flight? What if they get homesick in their new surroundings?

But never fear, with the help of a professional pet transporting company, moving your furry friends to Singapore can be a breeze. You just need to do the due diligence in preparation.

Let’s take a look.

Tips to make the process as pleasant on your pets and you as possible

1. Start planning early:

The sooner you begin planning for the relocation of your pet, the better. This will provide you plenty of time to explore various pet relocation businesses and choose one that is a suitable fit for you and your pet. 

It will also give you time to gather all of the required documents and vaccinations. We recommend starting the planning process at least 4-6 months in advance.

2. Get your pet acclimated to their travel crate:

Once you’ve chosen a travel crate for your furry friends, it’s important to get them used to it before their journey. 

You can do this by placing their food and water dishes inside the crate and letting them eat and drink in it. You can also put their favorite sheep toys or treats inside the crate so that they associate it with happy memories.

3. Research vaccination requirements:

Different countries have different vaccination requirements for pets. Be sure to do your research in advance so that you can get your pet up-to-date on all of the necessary vaccinations. 

Your vet should be able to provide you with a list of the required vaccinations.

4. Research on law regulations:

Different countries also have different laws regarding pets. For example, in Singapore, all dogs must be licensed with the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA). 

Be sure to research the pet import regulations of your destination country so that you can comply with the law.

5. Choose the right method of transportation:

There are many different ways to relocate your pet, and not all methods are created equal. 

For example, if you’re moving by air, you’ll want to choose an airline that has experience with shipping live animals. 

You’ll also want to make sure your pet is comfortable with flying and can travel in a crate without any problems.

6. Choose from a list of reputable pet movers:

This is perhaps the most important step in ensuring a seamless pet relocation. Do your research and choose a company that has extensive experience in relocating pets internationally. 

A good pet mover company like Shiloh Animal Pet Relocation Service will be able to provide you with door-to-door service, ensuring that your pets are well taken care of throughout the entire process. 

They will also be able to advise you on things like which vaccines are required for entry into Singapore and assist with any paperwork that needs to be filled out. A good pet mover company like Shiloh Animal Pet Relocation Service

7. Make sure your pet is healthy and up-to-date on all vaccinations:

Before you can even begin thinking about relocating your pet, you need to make sure that they are healthy and up-to-date on all vaccinations. 

Once you have chosen a relocation company for your pets, they will be able to advise you on which vaccines are required for entry into Singapore. In general, however, most pets will need to be vaccinated for rabies and other common diseases. 

It is also important to make sure that your pet is microchipped, as this will be required for entry into Singapore.

8. Prepare your pet for the flight:

If your pet has never flown before, the prospect of an airplane journey can be pretty daunting.

But there are things you can do to help them adjust and make the flight as comfortable as possible. 

First, get them used to being in their travel crate by making it a cozy space for them to sleep in or play in. 

You should also gradually get them accustomed to being around people wearing uniforms (such as airport staff) and loud noises (such as those made by an airplane). 

And don’t forget their favorite toys and blanket to help keep them calm during the flight!

9. Prepare yourself emotionally:

Moving can be a stressful experience for everyone involved, including your pets. 

So it’s important to be prepared emotionally for the separation as well as any potential challenges that may arise during the relocation process. 

If you have any concerns, be sure to discuss them with your chosen pet movers (the relocation company) ahead of time so they can put your mind at ease.

10. Give them time to adjust to their new surroundings:

Once you’ve arrived in Singapore, it’s important to give your pet some time to adjust to their new surroundings. 

Pets can sometimes feel homesick just like humans do, so it’s important not to force them into social situations before they’re ready. 

Start slowly by taking them on short walks around the neighborhood or letting them explore their new home at their own pace. 

Once they’ve had some time to settle in, they’ll be ready to start meeting new friends!


Moving with pets can sometimes be a tricky task, but with some proper planning and preparation, it doesn’t have to be stressful! 

By following these four tips, you can rest assured knowing that your beloved furry friends are in good hands and will arrive safely in Singapore ready to start exploring their new home.


Importing Dogs to Singapore: Everything You Need To Know Before Relocating Your Pets Read More »

Woof! Everything You Need to Know About Importing Dogs to Singapore

Woof! Everything You Need to Know About Importing Dogs to Singapore

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re considering a move to Singapore with your furry friend in tow. 

Whether you’re a native Singaporean returning home or an expat relocating for work, there’s no reason why your dog can’t come along for the ride. 

However, there are a few things you need to know before importing dogs to Singapore, such as the necessary documents, the quarantine process, and how to choose the right pet import company. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about importing dogs to Singapore! 

Requirements for Importing Dogs into Singapore

There are some requirements that you’ll need to take care of before you can import dogs to Singapore. For instance, certain documents need to be made available before you can be granted permission to import your dog. These documents are:

  1. A health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of arrival in Singapore is required.

  2. A rabies vaccination certificate dated within 12 months of arrival in Singapore (if your dog is more than 3 months old).

  3. An export health certificate issued by the exporting country’s authorities.

  4. If you’re coming from the UK, US, Australia, or New Zealand, you’ll also need an import permit from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA).

Processing and Procedures for Importing Dogs into Singapore

The first thing that you’ll need is to comply with the NParks’ AVS’ import license and pet quarantine requirements and obtain approval before importing the pets from overseas.

You’ll also need to get a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian in the country of origin, and it has to be done within 10 days of export. 

This document should state that the dog is free from any infectious diseases and has been vaccinated against rabies.

The third requirement is an Animal Health Certificate, which should be endorsed by the veterinarian in the country of origin and authorized by the Government Veterinary Service. 

This has to be done within 14 days of export and should state that the dog is free from any infectious diseases, has been vaccinated against rabies, and has been treated for internal and external parasites.

If you’re coming from a country where rabies is not endemic, then your dog will need to be quarantined for 30 days upon arrival in Singapore. 

However, if your dog is coming from a country where rabies is endemic, then he or she will need to be quarantined for 180 days upon arrival in Singapore.

As soon as you arrive in Singapore with your dog, you’ll need to go through customs and declare your pet to an inspector. You’ll also need to present all of the required documents at this time. 

After that, you’ll be given an import permit, which will state the requirements for post-arrival quarantine.

Post-arrival quarantine for dogs

After arriving in Singapore, your dog will need to be quarantined at an AVA-licensed facility.

The length of quarantine will depend on which country you’re coming from as well as whether or not rabies is endemic in that country.

During quarantine, your dog will be examined by a veterinarian and monitored for any signs of illness. If your dog shows any signs of illness during quarantine, he or she will be treated by a veterinarian at the facility.

You are allowed to visit your dog during quarantine, but there are restrictions on how often you can do so as well as how long you can stay each time. 

You’ll also need to make sure that you follow all of the rules and regulations during visits to minimize the risk of spreading the disease.

Your dog will only be released from quarantine after he or she has met all of the requirements set forth by AVA. Once released, you’ll need to bring your dog up-to-date on vaccinations and parasite control measures.

Choosing a Pet Import Company

Once all of your paperwork is in order, it’s time to choose a pet  import/relocation company. This is an important decision, as it will be up to the import company to ensure that your dog meets all of the requirements and arrives safe and sound in Singapore. When choosing these moving company, be sure to consider the following factors:

  1. Reputation: Be sure to read online reviews and testimonials before entrusting your furry friend to an import company. You want to make sure that other pet owners have had positive experiences with the company you’re considering.

  2. Experience: It’s always best to go with a company that has extensive experience in animal relocation and transportation. They’ll know exactly what needs to be done for your move to go off without a hitch.

  3. Costs: Of course, you’ll want to compare rates before making a final decision. However, it’s important not to expect too much when it comes to price. After all, you are dealing with live animals—it’s always best to err on the side of caution and choose a reputable company, even if it costs a bit more.

  4. Services Offered: Find out what services are included in the price quote. Does the company offer door-to-door service? Will they handle all of the paperwork for you? The answers to these questions will help you narrow down your options.
Ask friends or family members for recommendations if possible. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, get in touch with each company and ask questions about their services, fees, and policies. Make sure that you understand everything completely before making a decision!


Moving to Singapore with your furry friend doesn’t have to be stressful if you’re well-prepared.

Just make sure that you take care of all of the paperwork and requirements beforehand so that everything goes smoothly when it’s time for relocation.  

By following these tips, you can make sure that importing dogs into Singapore is a hassle-free experience for both you and your four-legged friend!  Bon voyage!

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